We put gender equality and the safety and dignity of women and girls at the center of what we do. Gender-based violence (GBV) is a global problem of epidemic proportions that demands committed action and sustained resources.
For over a decade, Hope and Dreams Initiative (HDI) has been addressing the root causes driving gender-based violence (GBV) and providing and supporting survivors through a safe space center. HDI’s Vision Strategy for a shared future puts forward a goal that 50 million women and girls experience greater gender equality – including eliminating GBV, and increasing women and girls’ voice, leadership, and education. HDI works to address multiple forms of GBV, including:
1. Intimate partner violence
2. Sexual violence, harassment, exploitation, and abuse
3. Child, early, and forced marriage, and other harmful traditional practices
4. Gender norms, toxic masculinities
5. Economic exploitation and exclusion of women and girls
We put gender equality and the safety and dignity of women and girls at the center of what we do
The initiative works to shift social norms and support men and boys as allies for gender equality, so as to advance respect for women and reject violence in their families and in the broader community. To do this, HDI worked at multiple levels: At the household level, HDI worked with married couples to strengthen healthy communication, reject violence against women, and promote gender equality in households.
At the community level, the project host village-level forums to discuss issues of gender-based violence (GBV). Supported male change agents at the village level to act as peer educators around issues of GBV and toxic masculinity.
At the district level, the project worked with local government to address broader structural concerns around gender inequality. And at a national level, HDI in collaboration with Partners for Prevention in communities, focusing on the knowledge, attitudes, and practices around GBV.
Empowering women and girls with knowledge about sexual and reproductive health and providing access to menstrual facilities is crucial for their well-being. We produce and disritubute affordable, eco-friendly, high quality disposable sanitary products, enabling them to attend school regularly and build a better. Join us in our efforts and make a positive impact on the lives of women and girls
To address the issue of menstrual health and the challenges girls and women face regarding access to hygiene and stigma, where 70% of girls cite menstruation as an obstacle to their education, 28% of girls in Nigeria miss school 3-4 days every month, and 59% are forced to mariege before the age of 18 years. We launched the Pad4girls Initiative to provide information, access, and opportunities regarding menstrual health and hygiene in rural communities and schools.
Our Solution
We produce and distribute the Yara reusable Pads, which are low-cost, eco-friendly, high quality, washable, reusable, beautiful menstrual health product that’s built to last, made with a protective shield and absorbent liner. It is distributed to girls in schools and women in communities at a free cost and we are working on distributing them through a grassroots structure at a lower price than corporate competitors. It is a truly sustainable solution that menstruators can count on month after month, for up to three years.
Masoyina ('my dear' in Hausa language)
The Masoyina project worked with couples to reduce intimate partner violence and improve the wellbeing of survivors in selected communities in the northern parts of Nigeria. It also aimed to rekindle relationships and strengthen the evidence base for community prevention and response for GBV.
four key components:
1. Intensive participatory training with couples (couples’ curriculum)
2.Community-based activism led by individuals who had completed the couples’ curriculum and received additional training
3. Direct support to survivors of intimate partner violence through women’s safe spaces
4. Training and engagement of opinion leaders
5. Dates /Couples night to rekindle intimacy between participatory couples
Sister’s Becoming Women
This initiative identifies the root causes of violence, child, early, and forced marriage and facilitates innovative strategies to create alternative paths for adolescent girls. We see child, early, and forced marriage (CEFM) as an act of violence, so we enable girls to assert their rights, help families and communities to support them, and influence policy to sustain change.
Pad4girls Drive - RedDrop Champaign
Creating and distributing period packs in schools and communities is a great way to start combating period poverty. Hope and Dreams Initiative partners with schools and corporations who are interested in this initiative creating period packs with all the required materials for 1 menstrual cycle and we distribute them in schools and communities.